
Pair carrying shopping bags

Reality Check: How Are Millennials Really Spending Their Money?

The spotlight is always on millennials when it comes to their habits, especially their financial decisions. They have even been blamed for the death of industries everyone thought could stand the test of time. However, it would be unfair to judge millennials on their spending without considering how much has changed since their parents were […]

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Student having test in school

International Student Woes

For some people, studying abroad is a dream come true. For others, it’s a lot less straightforward. While international studies can give a student heaps of opportunities, they can also come with a whole slew of problems. Having proper student health insurance can solve some of these burdens. The best way to tackle these issues

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social media in business

Understanding the Role of Social Media in Business Growth

Nowadays, it is essential for a company to have a social media page in order to effectively market their business in the online community. The absence of such platforms means significant losses and easy defeat from your competitors. It might seem exaggerated, but social media has played a significant role over the years that having

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