HVAC Installation

Proper Installation of an HVAC System: Everyone Needs It

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems consume a large chunk of energy and maintenance costs in any building, may it be commercial or residential. That is why property owners must be keen when it comes to installing a new system.

In circumstances where the system seems unreliable, many homeowners may opt to keep it and try to take control of everything, but things are usually different for commercial or industrial premises. Costs for energy, maintenance and the like may soon spill out of control.

Even if the system is still running smoothly after decades, you need seriously consider a modern one because there are tangible benefits that accompany it.

Lower Energy Bills

For older systems, the best path towards money savings is an upgrade, which is getting a more efficient system. The annual fuel utilisation efficiency of most conventional setups is extremely low at below 75%. For a large organisation, the transformation can translate into substantial money savings.

When looking for a suitable replacement, insist on efficiency of not less than 90%. There are other ways of determining effectiveness identified as EER, SEER and so forth. Ask a reliable technician to help you make sense of them for the perfect choice of components.

Better Health

The need for better indoor air quality and general health cannot be overstated. Poorly treated air is linked to dust, bacteria, mould and other contaminants. Install a new one, and you have fewer chances of contracting asthma and related illnesses.

This factor extends to environmental friendliness, because a new system uses less fuel and thus contributes less to damage.

Equipment Service Life

HVAC installation

A poor installation not only causes energy wastage and affects occupant health, but also may reduce the expected life of the system. HVAC installation standards exist even for centrifugal pumps, and improper installation will lead to premature failure and damage.

This is because components are subjected to unnecessary wear and tear. A sound HVAC system should serve for at least 10 years, but poor installation could well half that duration.

Preparing for the Installation

If you have decided to upgrade your system, probably this is the first time you are doing this. While the largest proportion of the job is the technician’s, there is still a way of contributing as the property owner. These steps are crucial because they can make the work effective and efficient.

Of course, it is your job to hire the best contractor. Job experience and certifications are two of the most important aspects of an installer. Some of the qualities that determine issuance of permits are availability of insurance and training.

You can gauge job experience from referrals, whereby you call several of them and inquire about the process followed. Finally, if the area around the expected site of the work is crowded or bushy, you want to clear everything in readiness for the job.

Moreover, make sure that the contractor has access to crucial areas such as the attic and garage.

The HVAC system may look simple, but a lot goes into getting the most from it, from the age of equipment to quality of installation. Make your HVAC upgrade a systematic process controlled by the best in the business, and you will never regret it.

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