Employee inspecting the shipments

Increased Importance of Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is the process of managing warehouses, freight, transportation, and distribution of materials. It involves skilled human resources to effectively manage its complex functions. It requires a clear understanding relating to the tracking of the physical flow of goods and services.

As the supply chain industry relies on skilled manpower to meet the needs of the business and the customers, it’s important to find the right people for the job. Hiring experienced individuals is like using the right type of fuel to maximize the performance of your engine. Your operations will be optimized if you have a team of skilled and competent workers.

Attracting Suitable Professionals

It is impossible for a company to ensure effective supply chain management if it lacks the required skills at its disposal. Companies may rely on supply chain recruitment agencies to find and employ qualified talents. Usually, the agencies select a group of suitable candidates from the available pool of human resource. Depending on the agency, they may put the successful candidates under a training program. The aim is to equip them with various skills relevant to the current job demands.

Finding the right candidates is not as easy as it seems. The recruitment company needs to sift through many applicants by conducting thorough interviews as part of the rigorous screening process. They use their wide network to attract or invite potential candidates. Those who have passed the interview and initial assessment will advance to the next step, which is the referral to the company that is looking for potential employees.

Components of Supply Chain Management

Hiring the right people helps ensure that every aspect of the business operations is well taken care of. It allows the owner and the stakeholders to monitor all the components of supply chain management, which include the following:

Inventory Planning

Warehouse with a wide aisleEvery organization that deals with the production and trading of goods holds inventory in various forms. Inventory planning is the process of identifying the optimal quality and timing of inventory with the aim of aligning it with the sales and production capacity. It is a primary function in an organization that has an impact on its margin turnover.

Cycle Counting

Cycle counting is the auditing of a subset of inventories at a particular place in a particular day. It is a sampling technique used by organizations to estimate the number of items they own. The process makes work easier for supply chain personnel since they do not need to count the entire organization’s items.

Transportation Planning and Coordination

Transportation is a key integration in supply chain management. A successful supply chain manager should look for the best ways to develop a shipping plan that aims to reduce transportation cost.

With the robust growth in supply chain management, the industry players require both skilled and modern talents to drive it forward. There is more to it than simply monitoring the inventory and making sure the delivery arrives at the destination on time. Supply chain personnel should familiarize themselves with all the components and understand the basic procedures involved in the operations.

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