Marketing 101: What’s Your Unique Selling Proposition?

Whether you are planning to launch a clothing line, a restaurant, or a tech startup, you have to know what your unique selling proposition (USP) is. That is what would make your business better or different from your competitors. Otherwise, consumers might not give your business a chance.

A USP is basically a quality that is unique to your business, enough to make it stand out from all the other firms similar to yours. It is the distinguishing factor that could make people come back to get more of your products or services.

But how could you identify your unique selling proposition? Aside from enlisting the services of an ad agency in Salt Lake City, here are some practical suggestions.

Brainstorm Ideas With Your Team

While you could argue that only you could identify your USP, this process should ideally be a team effort, meaning that you should get input from your team. Ask them what they think your business’ USP is for them and keep a record of their answers.

Identify Your Target Market


Figure out who your potential customers are according to their age, gender, location, earning characteristics, among others. Then, categorize them into specific buyer personas to determine your ideal target market.

Evaluate Your Competitors

Find out who your close competitors are and what they are offering. Check out how they promote their offerings. Look them up online and check their websites, social media pages, as well as reviews about them. Do not forget to figure out their weaknesses and strengths.

Determine Your Strengths

Figure out what makes your offerings better than your competitors. What features would make your offerings stand out among the rest? Are your prices competitive? Put simply, pinpointing your strengths would make it easier for you to market your business to your target customers.

Figure Out Your Weaknesses

Determine your weaknesses to figure out how you could improve on them. Being aware of your weaknesses and accepting them would help you plan a strategy for improving them.

Find Out What Really Makes Your Business Unique

Using the information you gathered by doing the steps above, determine what makes your brand unique and special. For example, what do you offer or have that your competitors do not? Does it resonate with your target market’s needs or solves their problem? The answer to these questions is your unique selling proposition.

Put Your USP Into Words

Begin by throwing some words and phrases around, taking into account your USP, and then combining these into a concise and clear statement. Opt for short and easy words that could be easily remembered. Refrain from using big words that not all people would understand, much less remember.

Overall, determining your unique selling proposition is about answering this question that consumers ask when deciding to buy a product or service: “Why should I choose you and not another business?” Once you learn the answer to this and have your USP in place, you could then utilize it in marketing and branding campaigns to attract your target market effectively.

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