Woman in glasses working

Three Bad Excuses for Not Starting a Business

There are legitimate reasons for not starting a business yet, and there are those that are only bad excuses. The difference between the two is that the latter comes from the fear of uncertainty. Here are some of the popular excuses people make to avoid running their own businesses, which, at its core, are driven by fear.

Excuse #1: ‘I don’t have enough money.’

Funds are of course necessary to start a business. From finding a good store location to creating the products and delivering services, you would use money through and through. That’s why a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs hesitate on taking the plunge because a business would ransack their bank accounts and break their financial stability.

But the truth is you can build a business even though you “don’t have enough money.” For one, you can buy businesses that require lesser capital, like ice cream truck franchise opportunities. You don’t have to break the bank just to put up these small businesses. You just have to take this small step so you can make a big impact later.

Once you get your foot in the door, you can use the money you’re generating to further fuel business growth or explore more opportunities. Another thing you should remember when money is your concern is there are lots of crowdfunding platforms you can take advantage of. You just have to be diligent in finding them.

Excuse #2: ‘I don’t have that much experience.’

Stressed employee holding his headDoing business entails knowing the market, the industry and the actual business operations. If you want to be on top of your game, you have to be an expert at it. This is what makes most starting entrepreneurs very insecure, given that they mostly don’t have any experience in the field they want to be in.

But a lot of people have managed to become successful entrepreneurs even though they weren’t experts, at least not yet. And besides, everyone has to start clueless and inexperienced at some point. But you have to take that step. You can start at a safe point by being a franchisee, for instance. This will expose you to people who have the experience already, learning from them in the process. Plus, you’ll be able to have the training you need to run your business like a pro.

Excuse #3: ‘I don’t have the time.’

People make this excuse, with the fear that when they get caught up with the other aspects in life, their business would die down, be way behind their competitors. Here’s the thing, there are moms, who, as you know, have a full-time job, but are still able to run their businesses on the side. They’re a living proof that you can make time for business.

What you need is just commitment and consistency. Decide on a specific amount of time you can commit to in planning for your business. Then, follow through that goal. When it’s “business time,” prioritize high-impact tasks or those that when you cross off in your to-do list would give you the most fulfilling results.

Quit making excuses for postponing your efforts to start a business. Otherwise, you’d just end up not doing it altogether and missing out on its rewards. Start your business today.

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